Elegant Title

Hi There! My name is Anna Brown, and I am your guide and friend back into the only power that exists—The Light of Consciousness.
Being aware of your consciousness and understanding that your consciousness is "God" is vital in being a leader in your own life and stepping out of the mirage that any man or woman is your Savior. Your Conscious Awareness of Being is your Savior, and I am honored to show you your true home and light NOW!
There is no need to sacrifice, chant, or spend eons in India or Retreats. You just have to have the tenacity and willingness to turn your gaze inward and activate the operant power of God, which is Awareness. From this space of Realization that your Awareness is "God," you can start directing your life force and raising your vibration into the frequency you wish to see.
Life is your echo. Change your sound/frequency, and you'll see that everything is what you Believe.