The Heart Space and Your Awakening
When the heart is open, all is well
When the heart is closed, all is hell
-Anna Brown

Artist: Patrick O'Leary
Title: 'Sight'
Medium: Pencil drawing on paper, 2024
It is vital that we dedicate a whole page to the heart space and its importance on your awakening journey. So, let's begin by discussing what the heart space is and where it is.
The heart space or heart chakra is an energetic center stationed in the center of your chest. Once opened with a clear intention and meditation, it will allow you to access higher states of consciousness, which are rooted in selfless love and empowerment. As you open your heart more and more to love, wonder, and gratitude, you will start to see this energy reflected in your world because 'the world' is your consciousness pushed out.
As within. So Without.
Opening the heart space is simple but a practice you must commit to. Just like you committed to years of certain habits, you must commit to the new habit of opening your Heart and abiding as Conscious Love.
So, how do you open the Heart?
First, detach and Be Aware That You Are Aware—The Light of the World! Then, drop your attention into the center of your chest. From there, breathe in and out of the center of your chest with full presence and awareness, disregarding any mental noise or emotional turbulence.
Then, begin consciously calling up high-vibrational emotions like Love, Gratitude, and Abundance. Truly surrender to the feeling and linger in the high-vibrational emotions until they are felt viscerally. You may not feel anything at first, but with practice, patience, and persistence, you will move away from constant linear thinking and more into intuitive feeling—the higher mind intelligence (heart coherence).
It is wise to give yourself plenty of space and time away from distractions so you can truly detach from your current addictions and train your body to anchor the abundant frequencies that are available to you now. This is your life, your choice, your destiny! Take your free will back by Being Aware and learning how to guide your energy into the realms you truly want to experience for yourself and for all.
If you need deeper guidance, there are a few free heart meditations on my YouTube channel and some audio downloads on this site. You may also consider joining the Private Patreon Community, where we meet on Zoom weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly, depending on your tier. Feel free to use any of these resources for your expansion.
With Exuberant Love!