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  • Writer's pictureAnna

What You See Around You

What you see around you is an extension of your consciousness. You have created and sustained it until you, the creator, decide to destroy it. ⁣

Destruction happens when you no longer pay attention to or focus on the old reality or idea. This means a complete about-face to your old beliefs and states of consciousness and a radical shift into a full-on love affair with the new ideal you have of yourself. Remember: nothing changes until you do, and you do not change until you have new ideas.⁣

Let me explain further:⁣

Part of awakening is the realization that form takes shape around the idea you, THE I AM PRESENCE, have of yourself. The I AM Presence is not bound by any form or dimension, yet it encompasses all and can appear as anything (obviously, look around). Therefore, when you detach from your current level of consciousness and return to the unified seer (faceless, formless I AM) in this clear and open field of consciousness, you can then plant the seeds of the new just like a farmer would sow its crop and yield its offspring. But it is not just planting and then forgetting. You must be a good farmer, return to your crop, and feed it sunshine and water, which would be your Loving Awareness and Heartfelt Love. ⁣

As you continue to show up for yourself and your crop, you will be delighted when it comes time for harvest, for you will reap exactly what you sowed. Therefore, be vigilant, be kind, and show up for yourself in the most loving and empowering ways because you are worth it.⁣

I love You! Blessed Planting!⁣



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